Customized Engineering at ANavS
📍 As a leading company in developing precise positioning systems using sensor fusion and AI methods, we offer specialized engineering services tailored to the individual requirements of our clients. One outstanding example of this client-oriented strategy is our project with Swiss company Sensopro. ➡️ Sensopro, an innovative manufacturer of training equipment like the LUNA device, […]
Newsletter February 2025
📢 Register now: The first ANAVS newsletter is online! 🚀 We have exciting news! We’ve published our first ANavS newsletter today – packed full of the latest developments, innovative technologies and exclusive insights into the world of high-precision GNSS and RTK solutions. 📬 Stay up to date! Sign up now to regularly receive exciting updates, […]
Navigating even the most challenging environments – like the Gotthard Base Tunnel!
Our A-ROX GNSS-INS system and postprocessing engine deliver precise navigation. Even in challenging GNSS environments like tunnels, our technology delivers outstanding results. 💡 What sets us apart? By combining RTK and Galileo High-Accuracy-Service (HAS) correction data for smart handover, together with our powerful forward-backward postprocessing engine, we ensure reliable data for applications like autonomous […]
Welcome on board!
Our team in the GNSS & Sensor Fusion Group continues to grow – welcome, Paula and Chenyu! 👩💻👨💻 Collaboration, diversity and respectful cooperation are our top priorities. It’s great that you are now part of our team family – we are looking forward to the joint projects that lie ahead!
Galileo HAS Phase 2
We are pleased to be involved as a project partner in the new EUSPA – EU Agency for the Space Programme HAUT2 project. The consortium leader of the project is spaceopal GmbH. The aim of the project is to further develop the Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) algorithm and the user terminal with the new […]
STE2024-II meeting at the Technical University of Munich
The ANavS GmbH has organized the STE2024-II meeting at the Technical University of Munich with more than 50 participants from 9.10. to 11.10.2024. The STE2024-II included 4 plenary talks: Dr. Christoph Waldmann provided some very interesting insights into Jupiter’s moon Europa. Prof. Martin Hilchenbach from MPI talked about the snatching of a sample from a […]
mPOM: Mobile Positioning of Maintenance Work
In 2022, SBB commissioned ARGE SAR to develop a track-accurate localisation system for track-laying machines. ➡ As part of the digitalisation of maintenance work, SBB issued a tender for a precise positioning system for track-laying machines that works both outdoors and in tunnels. ARGE SAR was awarded the contract for this project in 2023. ➡ […]
Andreas Sperl and Philipp Bohlig had a successful week at the Jammertest 2024
It was a successful week at the Jammertest 2024, full of testing the affects of GNSS interference on our multi-sensor PNT systems V-ROX and A-ROX: It was a test prepared amazingly by the organizers with various scenarios during a fully packed week. It is great to see how our multi-sensor systems can overcome Jamming, […]
We are participating in this year’s Jammertest in Andøya, Norway from 9.9 – 13.09.2024
Jammertest is an annual event hosted at Andøya, Norway. It is probably the largest open PNT/GNSS resilience test in the world. At the Jammertest event, participants will be subjected to both simple and sophisticated spoofing and jamming attacks allowing actors from both public and private sector to test their PNT systems and products for potential […]
Poster Presentation on the Stuttgart International Symposium on Automotive and Engine Technology
The Stuttgart International Symposium on Automotive and Engine Technology took place on 2 and 3 July 2024. The symposium has been one of the largest specialist congresses on vehicle and engine development in Europe for many years and brings together experts and managers from industry and research to discuss the latest developments and current research […]
Messtechnik in Bewegung
This year, we once again took part in the Messtechnik in Bewegung. DTC Navigation Solutions organises the popular practical trade fair in cooperation with the ADAC Mobility Test Centre in Penzing. Messtechnik in Bewegung is a self-organised industry get-together for all suppliers and users of the latest ADAS/NCAP technologies. The aim of the event is […]
DREAM Project – Driving Aids powered by E-GNSS and machine learning
This month we have successfully completed the preliminary design of the DREAM (Driving-aids powered by E-GNSS, AI & Machine Learning) project. DREAM is a project coordinated by EUSPA – EU Agency for the Space Programme that is aimed to design and develop innovative Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques powering positioning and environment perception technologies to support the generation […]