Prestigious contract for ANavS®: Development of “Galileo Reference High Accuracy Service (HAS) User Algorithm and User Terminal (HAUT)“

Precise positioning using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) can be achieved with two approaches today: Real-Time Kinematics (RTK) and Precise Point Positioning (PPP). RTK relies on measurements from a reference station and a respective internet link. PPP uses satellite position, clock offset, phase and code bias corrections without the direct need of measurements from a reference station. The disadvantage of today’s PPP is its slow convergence.

To overcome this challenge, the European Commission has decided to fund the development of a Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS), which will broadcast precise satellite position, clock offset, phase and code bias corrections on all frequencies (E1/E5/E6, L1/L2,L5) for all Galileo and GPS satellites via Galileo’s E6 frequency band and via internet.

GSA/ EC launched a tender for the development of the “Galileo Reference High Accuracy Service (HAS) User Algorithm and User Terminal”, i.e. for the development of a PPP reference algorithm and receiver. ANavS® took part in the bid-phase as a sub-contractor of Spaceopal – and won this highly competitive tender together with its partners. ANavS® has a major role in the project and will be responsible for the development of the HAS PPP user algorithm and user terminal.

Further press release:

Performance Analysis of ANavS Dual-Frequency Precise Point Positioning (PPP) solution, verified with IGS station coordinates