ANavS® project at DB Systemtechnic & DB mindbox

ANavS Geschäftsführer Dr. Patrick Henkel (links) mit Robert Heinrich, dem Projektleiterder DB Systemtechnik Robert Heinrich - Foto gehört der DB mindbox

To know exactly where a train is during driving sounds trivial, but it is not: The topography is variable and constantly changing. Lifting Deutsche Bahn (DB) to the next level and drive the digital transformation, DB Systemtechnic and DB mindbox required support of ANavS®. In the course of the project program called “The Future of Operations & Maintenance 2021” (FOM21), ANavS® developed and tested a specific costumized sensorfusion prototype for 100 days on a DB test train aiming to be precise with centimeter accuracy. Together with the Start-Up Point One from San Francisco, who installed their non-moving so called Beacon-Station as a reference station, the monitored results during the test drives were positive: 98% of the measurements had a accuracy of less than 100 cm, 85% were even as accurat as below 10 cm.

Further informations can be found in the attached article of Deutsche Bahn Planet: Article-DB-Planet-Digitalisierung&Technik-Zugortung-ANavS&