Poster Presentation on the Stuttgart International Symposium on Automotive and Engine Technology
The Stuttgart International Symposium on Automotive and Engine Technology took place on 2 and 3 July 2024. The symposium has been one of the largest specialist congresses on vehicle and engine development in Europe for many years and brings together experts and managers from industry and research to discuss the latest developments and current research […]
Messtechnik in Bewegung
This year, we once again took part in the Messtechnik in Bewegung. DTC Navigation Solutions organises the popular practical trade fair in cooperation with the ADAC Mobility Test Centre in Penzing. Messtechnik in Bewegung is a self-organised industry get-together for all suppliers and users of the latest ADAS/NCAP technologies. The aim of the event is […]
DREAM Project – Driving Aids powered by E-GNSS and machine learning
This month we have successfully completed the preliminary design of the DREAM (Driving-aids powered by E-GNSS, AI & Machine Learning) project. DREAM is a project coordinated by EUSPA – EU Agency for the Space Programme that is aimed to design and develop innovative Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques powering positioning and environment perception technologies to support the generation […]
Partnership with Space Applications Services NV/SA
ANavS, in partnership with Space Applications Services NV/SA, recently conducted a data campaign aboard a sailboat as part of the ESA MAPP project. MAPP (Maritime Autonomous PNT Prototype) is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at developing an advanced system for precise position and attitude determination using GNSS receivers, cameras, Lidar, and other sensors. By integrating Artificial […]
We are the consortium leader in the VaMEx-APO project
For almost two years, we have been the consortium leader in the exciting VaMEx-APO project with our partners at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg-Maximilans-Universität Würzburg and DFKI Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz. The aim of the VaMEx initiative is to develop an autonomous, heterogeneous swarm of robots to explore the Valles Mariners of the planet Mars. Travelling, walking […]
Naos – Real-time motion tracking sensor
From our product portfolio: Naos – Real-time motion tracking sensor Naos is the world’s most advanced and precise motion tracking sensor, which we developed together with our partner Archinisis GmbH. All recorded raw data is transmitted to analysis servers in real time. In this case, NAOS is used for rowing performance analysis. Movement data such […]
X-in-a-Box project for the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)
Project: X-in-a-Box for the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), based on mPOM (mobile Positioning of Maintenance Work) Together with our Swiss partner company, the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group, we have successfully completed the CDR (Critical Design Review) as the first important milestone of the project. We are now looking forward to developing the mPOM system based […]
We will successfully complete our MSFUSION project
At the end of this month, we will successfully complete our MSFUSION project: Next Generation Motion Sensors for Hybrid GNSS/INS Solutions in high accuracy machine control applications in cooperation with Space Applications Services NV/SA The objective of MSFUSION was to prove new low-cost motion and positioning multi-sensor technologies based on the exploitation of advanced calibration […]
ANavS presented the results of its FLOOW project at the Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation in Long Beach
ANavS presented the results of its FLOOW project on precise positioning for both outdoor and indoor environments at the famous International Technical Meeting of the The Institute of Navigation (ION ITM) in Long Beach, CA, USA on January, 24th. The aim of the Floow project was to develop new solutions for the mobility of people […]
Bund fördert zweites Forschungsprojekt ABSOLUT – Projektauftakt mit Fachkonferenz in Dresden
Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) fördert die Fortsetzung des Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhabens ABSOLUT. In der nun startenden zweiten Phase soll an die erfolgreichen Ergebnisse des Vorgängerprojekts angeknüpft und weitere Schritte in Richtung eines späteren Regelbetriebs realisiert werden. Der Projektauftakt findet am 13. November 2023, von 10:30 bis 12 Uhr, im Institut für Holztechnologie […]
Projektstart „Referenzsensorik zur hochpräzisen Sensorvalidierung für das automatisierte Fahren“ (RepliCar)
Entwicklung eines hochgenauen Referenzsystems für die Umfelderkennung für das Automatisierte Fahren Sensorfusion von hochauflösenden Radar-, Kamera- und Lidar-Daten Entwicklung von neuartigen Testverfahren und Methoden Für das automatisierte Fahren ist die sichere Wahrnehmung der Umwelt eine entscheidende Voraussetzung. Die eingesetzten Sensoren und Verarbeitungsketten müssen höchste Anforderungen an Zuverlässigkeit, Präzision und Realitätstreue erfüllen. Aktuell existieren keine Ansätze […]
New product launch: M.2 GNSS receiver smart cards
New product launch at the Embedded World 2023 in Nuremberg: Our new GNSS receiver smartcards in standardized M.2 Key E form factor for the use in industrial PCs and development boards like the Nvidia Jetson. All-in-view satellite tracking with multi-constellation, multi-frequency is offered by the MOSAIC-X5, MOSAIC-H or MOSAIC-T from Septentrio. For more information please […]